Week 6 — Health For Hemophilia

Week 6: Cutting out Sugary Drinks

Pick a weekly goal and track your progress.

Last week we learned about how to manage your child’s screen time. This week we are going to focus on how to avoid sugary drinks.


A can of pop/soda contains about 200 calories and 7-10 teaspoons of sugar.


What should my family drink instead?

  • Water and skim or 1% milk are the best choices for drinks

  • 100% fruit juice should be limited to 4 oz. a day

  • Add flavors to water with sugar-free options like Mio drops and Crystal Light, or drink sugar-free sparkling flavored water

Physical Therapist Weekly Tip

Figuring out what sport your child likes and what they are good at can sometimes be a challenge. Trying a variety of non-contact sports from a young age is important. This will give them a wide range of skills and interests in case they need to change sports to protect their joints. For example, someone who only plays indoor and outdoor soccer and gets repeated ankle bleeds may need to change sports, but they might feel like they don’t know how to play any other sports. Someone that has tried soccer, tennis, and swimming has more options if they are unable to play 1 sport because of joint problems or bleeds.

— Molly Mays, Hemophilia Physical Therapist

Week 6 Tip